Is there a program that allows the database to save all web mail url lists? I need a step by step process on how to save web mail url list on a database system. I am using a windows xp operating system and with a dual core computer.
How to save web mail url list on a database?
If you want to save web mail url lists then the best software is the Microsoft Outlook. As you have Windows XP operating system you can install Microsoft Office 2007 on your computer. The Outlook will be installed in the Office 2007 package. You can use Outlook to save all the webmail url lists. Just follow the steps below:
1. Install Microsoft Office 2007 on your computer.
2. After you install office 2007, run Microsoft Outlook 2007 on your system. You can find it in the start menu.
3. Now login to your webmail using outlook 2007.
4. After you login, you can see all the url lists. Just select the web mails that you want to save and click create new list.
5. Save the list on your hard disk and click ok.
How to save web mail url list on a database?
You can use insert statements on any database to store those data. Below example shows you how to save data to a database using an insert statement. In the statement dbo is the schema name. We can have multiple schemas on a database and within the schema we have to create tables, dbo is the default schema.
Insert into dbo.<databasename>.<tablename> (URL List) values (“New Web URL”)
Another option is you can use bulk insert query. Where you have your email list in a text file and insert them directly in to the database using a sql query. Below example demonstrate how to use a bulk query in SQL server. You can use bulk queries according to your database system.