Asked By
70 points
Posted on - 09/10/2012
I have been using Windows XP SP2 with AutoCAD 2010 version 18.0.I have been using the software for years now and I use it for 3D designs.The software has been posing quite a few problems recently and today I encounter the below mentioned error which I have not been able to get rid of.
AutoCAD Message
Customization file load failed.File not found: C:Documents and SettingspmaApplication DataAdobeAcrobat9.0ACAD-7001-409PDFIC.cui
Thanks in Advance!
AutoCAD Customization file load failed.File not found
The PDFIC.cui file seems to be missing from your system files. This file is automatically copied to your system during installation of AutoCAD. This file seems to be corrupted or missing from your computer. You can either contact the support for the file or you can reinstall AutoCAD from your system. Follow the steps below for reinstalling it on your computer:
1. Copy all the saved files and save it on an external disk. Go to Control Panel and uninstall AutoCAD from your computer.
2. Now install AutoCAD on your system again and remember to choose Full installation option.
3. Restart your system for the effects to take place.
As you said you were facing with many problems with the software, I would suggest you to use the version of AutoCAD which is compatible with Windows XP.
AutoCAD Customization file load failed.File not found
You need to logged in on first attempt with full admin access for the first time LT is loaded. Hence, you need to change the admin rights and then this is certainly going to work. In a nutshell, you need to first run the software using the admin mode and then open it and change the admin rights. Once you will configure the admin rights then you will be find this customization problem to vanish. Hope this works for you.
Waters Magner