Your IMAP Server Wants To Alert You To Follow

What is this error “Your IMAP server wants to alert you to follow”? And it occurs in Microsoft Outlook.

What is this error “Your IMAP server wants to alert you to follow”? And it occurs in Microsoft Outlook.
The error message is showing you that message (or its attachment) is snide on the IMAP server. The remedy: delete the message from the server. The problem: figuring out which message is the correct one. Numbering on the basis arrival date. But, the messages are not renumbered when you delete messages so you can't count them so it’s difficult to identify the message as the number it could be. In many cases, you can find the last message downloaded, and the problem message is the next one.
Log into the account online and delete the problem message. (The corrupt messages need to be removed from the account online.) You can try viewing every message in Outlook – the corrupted message should error when you try to see it.
Or move all of the messages to an admin folder in outlook and delete all messages from the server, then move all messages back to the IMAP inbox in outlook and resync with the server.