Strange Error on Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hello, I encountered an error while I was working on my Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5. It was a weird error message saying, “No error occurred.” I was so amazed but confused why this error came out. I just clicked the OK button but after a while it returned again. The same error message came out. I tried to reinstall my Macromedia Dreamweaver but the same error message occurred. What could this be? Does anybody have an idea? Please help. Thanks a lot.

Answered By 15 points N/A #104306

Strange Error on Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5


I will suggest that you try the following workarounds:

  • That may be a sign that a cache file has been corrupt, and therefore to solve that, you will first need to delete the file cache. In case that does not work, then you may need to delete the personal Configuration folder.
  • The second workaround will be to download the upgrades for the Dreamweaver version that you are using, and you can get them from the adobe site. If it still behaves that way, you might need to do the upgrade for the application itself. You can get the latest adobe Dreamweaver CS5 and install it.
  • The other thing you might want to do is to contact the customer support and explain to them the issue may be they could be having full knowledge for the cause of that problem.

-Clair Charles


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