Problem Accessing ACL Folders in OS X

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

The operating system that I used in my server is OS X. I am setting up user accounts for my staff and they have to have their own folders so I also setup one for them and marked it as favorites. These folders have the control in the Access Control List. The users complained that whenever they take access with their folders, the windows close and the computer transfers them to the root folder where all folders are located. They cannot stay in their own folders because it will just open in an instant and will close and returns to the main folder. This thing is strange. Any idea why it is like this? Can someone also tell me how to make a list of users’ folders in the POSIX aside from being in the ACL?

Answered By 10 points N/A #104805

Problem Accessing ACL Folders in OS X


What you will need to do in order to resolve the issue is to check if there is a permissions issue that is causing that problem and I highly suspect that there are problems with the permissions that you have allocated. You will therefore need to try and repair the permissions on the drive and see if that will resolve the problem.

If the above workaround does not end up successful, then you will need to try and create a entire new folder structure, and once you have done that you will just need to abandon the old one. Doing that should resolve the issue and stop the users from getting kicked out of their folders.

-Thompson Locker


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