Unable to connect to the server specified in the data source

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

Hi to all

I am trying to build a hello world application using .NET ADF. I followed all the steps in the tutorial video but I got stuck at step # 7. When I tried to add an Arc GIS sample service at http://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services, and then enter resource, I got an error. The screenshot is attached below:

map Resource Defination Editor

Unable to connect to the server specified in the data source.


Step 1: In the figure represents the ArcGIS sample service and step 2 is the resource. To sort out the issue, I verified that the internet connection is working. I tried opening this link in the browser, and I could easily access the page.

This message seems to be incomplete, and it is not providing sufficient information and telling what to do and what actually is wrong. Can anyone please tell me what might be the reason behind this error and how can I remove it?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Waiting for your replies.

Kindest regards.

Best Answer by Sharath Reddy
Answered By 0 points N/A #192857

Unable to connect to the server specified in the data source



The problem rooted is in the tutorial video at step # 7. The Data Source in URL format is incorrect or contains data that is not included, instead of http://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services, and you should eliminate it, for the reason that ADF uses SOAP as a replacement for REST.

Best regards,

Heather marie

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 590495 points N/A #192858

Unable to connect to the server specified in the data source


I think there is really something wrong with what you are doing. Although you have entered the URL of the data source and already verified that it is working by visiting it using a web browser, there is something missing on the window as described in your screenshot. The Data Source is specified, but the file, folder, or simply the Resource is missing. I think this is what’s making the error on your project.

The URL will not work if it doesn’t know where to look for the resource or on what file will be accessed to begin the process. I think this is the only problem here. You should therefore supply it with the correct resource file to begin the whole procedure. Check again with your tutorial video to check if you have missed something. And not only check, look for the information that should be inserted on the Resource and Identity boxes. I’m sure this will fix the problem.

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