Is there a way I can extract CD image contents?

Asked By 90 points N/A Posted on -

Hallo Guys!

I was copying music from a friend's CD onto my blank CD. After creating the image for burning, I inserted my blank CD and got the message that the disk is not empty. I only managed to save the CD image because my friend was in a hurry and I could not copy them on my computer. Is there a way I can extract a CD image without having to first burn it on a CD? Thanks a bunch.

Answered By 0 points N/A #159211

Is there a way I can extract CD image contents?



Hi Hanley Samson

Here are the steps on how to extract .img files from CD

  1. Download an unlimited programming project equipped for perusing .img documents. One such system is Alcohol 52%; its an unhindered and effective device that might be utilized to read, make, duplicate, and copy Cd picture indexes.
  2.  Install the programming. For Alcohol 52%, the first occasion when you run the project it will make a virtual Cd-Rom drive, which you can then use to mount Cd picture documents (which has the same impact as though you had copied the picture record onto a Cd, then embedded the Cd into your Pc's physical Cd drive).
  3. Open the .img record with the programming. For Alcohol 52%, you can achieve this essentially by mounting the .img record onto the virtual Cd drive you made when you first ran the project.
  4. Open the picture record with Windows Explorer and duplicate any documents you need from the Cd picture record to your hard drive.

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