My Secondary internal 1 TB drives has encountered an unexpected error


In deleting a data file, documents or folder in your secondary internal 1 Tera Byte drives, just make sure that the data file, documents or folder is not using or is not open in your windows to avoid any kinds of unexpected error in deleting or throwing into your recycle bin, for the operation be completed.
Best regards,
Heather marie
Hi Augustine Devante,
Make sure that those files you’re trying to erase are not locked or currently using by the other programs. And then try emptying the trash and then putting something new in it. Restarting may also solve the problems. Another thing you can do is create another user account, don't make any changes to it or adds any software. The idea being is to use it as a test account. Then see if the problem is reproducible in the new account then you know you have a system wide issue or if it's limited to your user account.