What is flow chart in Hindi videos?
We hear about flow chart in MS Office or PowerPoint. This is new that flow charts are used in Indian movies. What is flow chart in Hindi videos?
We hear about flow chart in MS Office or PowerPoint. This is new that flow charts are used in Indian movies. What is flow chart in Hindi videos?
There is nothing like flow chart in Hindi. The flow chart is word carry from software engineering which shows the way the data processed or program run. Flowchart is word which is usually used by computer professionals; they use this word as it is rather they are Hindi speaker or Urdu. So it sometime used as English word in Hindi sentences when someone start telling detailed working. But it does not belong to Hindi.
Hello Hunter,
Flow Chart is a way to represent algorithms pictorially for better understanding of complex problems. These are useful in almost every field but mostly applied in Programming, Scientific contexts and some parts of mathematics as well. I guess you might have deduced by now that Flow Charts have nothing to do with Hindi or Hindi Videos. These words 'flow' and 'chart' doesn't even exist in the Hindi dictionary.