I was asked to copy file to DVD utility software called FireBurner. It was working until I installed some updates for Windows XP. I already tried uninstalling the recent updates but id didn't help. What other troubleshooting steps can I perform? Please help.
Copy file to DVD utility no longer works
Hi Hannah,
One suggestion I can give you is to, what we experts call, “clearing the upper and lower filters” of the DVD optical drive. This involves making changes to your Windows registry. I strongly recommend exercising caution when doing this. Make a restore point from the “System restore” tool in Windows XP before proceeding with this.
Here are the steps on how to clear upper and lower filters:
1) Click on Start
2) Click on run
3) Type regedit
4) Click ok
5) Click on the “+” sign next to these folders to expand them.
6) Once you have clicked on the last part {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}, look at the right pane and check if you see something that says “Upper Filters”, “Lower Filters”, “UpperFilters.bak”, or “LowerFilters.bak”
7) If you see any of the those words, right click on them and select delete.
8) After doing this, restart your computer.
Sometimes, these Windows XP updates affects some registry values that hold the controls for the DVD drive. Clearing the upper and lower filters can help in resetting your DVD drive to its original settings in Windows.