502 Bad Gateway: Mal-formed Reply from Origin Server

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I usually visits a site through my browser and I am getting an error which appears randomly. Sometimes this error arise when I am adding stacks to a link that requires huge actions and sometimes it arise when I am creating new bookmarks. The error states "502 Bad Gateway" describing a mal-formed reply from origin server. How can I get rid of this?

HTTP Error

Status: 502 Bad Gateway

Description: Mal-formed reply from origin server.

Not: If necessary, please contact your Systems Administrator for resolution.

Answered By 0 points N/A #113457

502 Bad Gateway: Mal-formed Reply from Origin Server


The "502 Bad Gateway" error means the document you requested (website visited) resides in a 3rd party server and the original server received an error from the 3rd party server. The specific "Mal-Formed Reply From Original Server" is linked to the Novell Access iChain web server.  The error is caused by users trying to download large Comma Separated Files (CSV) files via iChain. It's possible that every time you log-out of a site using iChain it's generating this error.  It's commonly fixed by upgrading your iChain server from version 2.3.278 to the newest version SP4ir4.  This should resolve the issue.

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