So I bought this new PC with default installed software program called Microsoft Works 105. It works just fine and I don’t have any problem with it. However, I know that there exists application somewhere out there called Microsoft Office which is the professional counterpart of Microsoft works. I would like to get your opinion regarding this if this is worth spending for. I am just an ordinary average home user of personal computer. Do you think it is worth leaving MS works for MS Office 2010? How much would it cost me to use it? Ideas please.
Microsoft works 105 versus Microsoft Office
Microsoft Works
MS Works is a home productivity suite that is smaller, less expensive, and has fewer features than Microsoft Office. MS Works has a word processor, a spreadsheet, and a database. It also has some other small features, but these are the main ones most people will be using. Works comes free with most prebuilt computers, and now Microsoft has inserted advertisements into Works to allow smaller PC makers to preinstall it and make it available to you for free.
Works doesn’t have many features, and it can’t create standard DOC and XLS documents. Instead it uses the WPS and WKS file formats. This means you will only be able to edit Works documents in Works.
Microsoft Works is ad supported or free only when it comes with a new computer, doesn’t support saving as standard formats, and doesn’t have many features.
Open Office
Open Office is an office application suite that is available on multiple operating systems. It supports Microsoft Office’s DOC format, so you can create and edit files that will be supported in both Open Office and Microsoft Word. It also supports many other formats.
The thing that makes Open Office a competitor to Microsoft Office is that it is completely free and available under the LGPL license. Open Office is available for Windows, Linux, Solaris, BSD, and in part for Mac OS X.
Open Office has the most features, it’s free, it supports standard file formats, and it’s available for many operating systems.
Odom Vemus