Issue with Exchange 2010 Message tracking on Edge server

Hi all,
Exchange 2010 while we are on message tracker. Get the below error message.
Has anyone seen this.?
Microsoft Troubleshooting Assistant
Error message: The process “EXTRA (PID=4888) has been initialized as unknown multiple instance type unexpectedly.
Reasons of this exception:
- For any product executables,which will be shipped out of box, they should never use AD driver functionality without initializing its performance counter instance since we can NOT show a intuitive Perf Counter instance name here.
- We don’t need the validation for test assembly because we don’t care for its performance counter missing; however,we definitely want to make sure it is under our control, so that we don’t miss any out of bos product DLLs/EXEs.
What to do avoid this exception: For any newly added exchange test executables which utilize ADÂ perf,please add the executable name of the process into exclusion list in
Thank you