Hello guys,
There is an error with filezilla xls. I downloaded filezilla and the installation flow was good and was successful but when I tried to open xls files in my Microsoft excel 2007 there is an error occurred which is unable to open file. How can I resolve this and what is with this filezilla xls problem? I hope you can help me. Thanks
There is an error with filezilla xls.
May be the filezilla xls you installed is the older version and is not supported by the Microsoft excel 2007. That’s the reason you encountered an error.
Try to download the latest version of filezilla xls and install it.
click on the below link to download the latest version.
Thank you.
There is an error with filezilla xls.
Hi Christine,
     There are a lot of factors that can affect the issue, but we need to know what the exact error message you are getting. One factor, is the security you need to add exceptions on your firewall to allow Filezilla to run. Another one is update, most of the time if update occurred it creates an issue in opening the file. I also stumbled to a post that says Windows explorer is not an effective host for FTP client, since filezilla needs a dedicated FTP client. Then it creates a problem with the upload which affects the file.