Hi all, I have just managed a very simple network based on Linux to share internet connection on other PCs in my office. I am using TC to mange bandwidth per client and Squid as a cache server. The difficulty is, any cached from clients is received very slowly by Squid. I need to know how to send squid objects without limit and send objects that are coming straightforward from internet speed 128kbps?
How to send squid objects without limit
To be able to set squid so that it will be able to send objects without limit and send objects that are coming straightforward from a certain internet speed, you will need to use the range_offset_limit. It sets an upper limit on how far into the file a range request to prefetch the whole file can be made by squid. In the event that the request is beyond the limit, then what squid will do is forward the range request the way it is and that means that the result will not be cached.
That is meant to stop a range request that is far ahead from making squid to fetch the whole object to the point just before its sends anything to the client.