Povray is not finding the standard include files in ‘UNIX’ OS and ‘X’ OS.
When I tried to import the projects, the list shows nothing.
Is there any advantage for using the project layout folders?
Povray not finding standard include files in ‘UNIX’ OS and ‘X’ OS.
The settings that you might have configured in Linux to access the Povray library that has the standard include files may not be correct.
To access the full path to the Povray include folder, you will need to use the "Browse" button to be able to select that folder as shown in the image below:
Something to note is that if the setting is not correct, then Povray will not be able to find the standard includes files like colors.inc. The setting is usually the default to the path /../include, and that will be applicable to windows systems too.
But you will notice that the Povray installations in Unix may be a bit different from that, and in that case you can use the preference to set the correct library path.