I have changed my connection from the WAN with Dynamic IP on my PC because that was the suggestion given when I have bought my 3G router and now I can not go online, I can not send or receive mails/messages.
Have you any advice for me?
Dynamic IP send and receive SMS thru 3g router
As a matter of fact there are a dozen solutions out there, the challenging part is to know what the problem really is.
So here’s what you can do.
Step 1:
You need to know if your device acquires a valid IP address and DNS from your router. Routers are preconfigured to provide you an IP address that starts with 192. x. x. x. This goes the same with the DNS.
Ipconfig/all from CMD would work if you are using a PC.
Step 2:
If both your IP address and DNS address are acquired information from your router then this means that connection from your PC/Device to your router is okay. This leads us then to figure out if your router is connected to your provider.
Most of the routers have GUI (graphical User Interface) that you can access through a browser.
Using the GUI, check if your router acquires a public IP address from your Provider.
If you do then you may want to restart both devices including router and check if you can go online already.
As what I’ve mentioned there are a lot of resolution and if you are comfortable with dealing wit GUI’s and IP addresses and Browser settings then get back to us and elaborate more of what really is going on. Else, you can contact your provider and have them help you out. Keep us posted.
Dynamic IP send and receive SMS thru 3g router
Hi Taylor
The problem must have been in your area of connectivity. 3G routers only perform well in places or areas where the 3G connectivity is high.
If you are living in a remote area then chances are that the area of connectivity is low which leads to the main reason that you can't send or received messages.
I suggest you read this to get remote access working. http://forum.airplayit.com/viewthread.php?tid=9.