Every time I log in to my network account I receive this message: “HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error.” At first I thought it was just my computer and internet connection, but when I tried to use different computers, it still gave me the same error message. Does this mean that my network account is at risk? Or is it the website’s server that I am trying to access that has problems?
Please help me fix this if there’s any way.
HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error
An unexpected condition was encountered which prevented your request from being fulfilled. This could be caused by a
HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error
Wassup William, I believe I will be able to help you in this query, the error is usually displayed as a result of something going wrong in the website's server, and the server cannot be specific on what the problem is. It does not have anything to do with your network account, but it is purely a problem on the server's side, not even with your internet's connection. It is a problem with the website's server. This is what you need to do to fix the problem;
Reload the page by clicking on the reload button on the website url bar. You may also try pressing F5.
You may also consider going to the browser's cache and clearing all the cookies as this might be the solution.
The error can also be trouble shoot for the '504 gateway error'. You could also contact the web administration directly.
This should solve your query