It is possible to play a specific frequency with a specified duration through a PC speaker by carefully timing the pulse. I always do this by the function: Beep ( [ Frequency [, Duration ]] ). I desire to play the frequency through my headset. Do you know a way that I can modify the function for use with headsets?
How can I modify frequency to play with headsets?
There are lots of headphones you may use when playing. If you want surround one quality you may try using ear canal type of headphones. There are also noise cancelling type of headphones. It was said that headphones has an actual frequency of  20 to 20000 Hz. but changing the frequency means you have to consider its volume and power. So, in short we can't change the frequency of the headphone. If you want some information on real headphone frequency response, try browsing this (just click the URL)—> Hope you are happy..:))