Due to some security reasons, recently I switched over to the Linux operating system, but I am facing a problem with playing video disks in Linux Blu-ray player.
Previously I was using windows 7 on my tablet PC in which Blu-ray player was functioning properly, whereas in the Linux Blu-ray player was not responding to video disks.
Problem regarding playing video disks in Linux bluray player
Hello Smith,
Before I proceed with finding a solution to that problem I must first of all know which Linux OS you are using, is it Ubuntu?
If it is Ubuntu then the first thing you might have noticed is that you don't install software on their system platform, you can only update.
The first suggestion is that you look for another Media player and update its Drivers.
Try this and then let get back to us.
Problem regarding playing video disks in Linux bluray player
Hi Smith Johnson,
I think that the problem lies in your Operating System.
Your operating system isn't powerful enough in playing audio and video presentation that you want to do, Linux is capable for server setup.
If you want to play that Blu-ray disk, you have to download a software that can recognize a Blu-ray disk and can play it.