Hoping everyone has a good day. I had a desire to deploy Solidworks with sccm server and tried to but I always feel so. MST for the solidworks with sccm server was created in this new version but I cannot really deploy it out. Is there any pre-requisite on how to tie this up? What are the pre-requisites as application and deploy ahead the Solidworks. In what folder should I select to root the Solidworks? It was installed properly. Please let me know the way to deploy it as a package. Hope that you could help me how to deploy it.
Deploy solidworks with sccm server
Hi Linux Lithila!
These are the steps you can follow to install Solidworks Silent
Step 1:
Open the folder or path containing the setup of Solidworks. Right click the exe file then select the "Run as administrator"
Step 2:
An installation window will appear on your screen. Click the option Administrative Image then click the 32 and 64 bits.
Step 3:
You will be asked to enter the license key then just follow and fill up all required fields.
Step 4:
Choose for the location you want to save/install. Note that to be able to install the Solidwork you need at least 15GB memory space.
Step 5:
Finish the installation process. Once done, open the path where you choose to save/install the Solid work. You can find the following folders:
* 32bit
* 64bit
* Lang
* sldAdminOptionEditor.exe
* StartSWInstall.hta
Step 6:
Create a .bat file. Copy the code below in notepad then save it as install.bat
@echo off
echo Please be patient while the SOLIDWORKS 2012 SP01 is installed …
if not exist %SystemDrive%installLogs md %SystemDrive%installLogs
TASKKILL /F /IM iexplore.exe >NUL 2>&1
TASKKILL /F /IM winword.exe >NUL 2>&1
TASKKILL /F /IM outlook.exe >NUL 2>&1
TASKKILL /F /IM excel.exe >NUL 2>&1
“%~dp032bitsldimsldIM.exe” /adminclient /new /source “%~dp032bitAdminDirector.xml” /norunsw
Del /q “C:UsersPublicDesktopSolidWorks eDrawings 2012.lnk”
Del /q “C:UsersPublicDesktopSolidWorks Explorer 2012.lnk”
) else (
“%~dp064bitsldimsldIM.exe” /adminclient /new /source “%~dp064bitAdminDirector.xml” /norunsw
Del /q “C:UsersPublicDesktopSolidWorks eDrawings 2012.lnk”
Del /q “C:UsersPublicDesktopSolidWorks Explorer 2012.lnk”
Del /q “C:UsersPublicDesktopSolidWorks eDrawings 2012 x64 Edition.lnk”
After performing the instructions above, you are now done. You successfully installed the Solidworks. I hope this can help you. Have a nice day!