Asked By
bob fleming
0 points
Posted on - 05/27/2013
Hi guys,
I am researching on the best development tool that I can use for as many programming languages as possible with an active membership, developer community and regular upgrades.
This will assist me in locating the best tool to use for software development what I would like is a list of software distribution companies that specialize in this.
If anyone can help me on this please reply to this post.
List of software distribution companies
How all is well with you. What I understand from your post is that you are a programming enthusiast.
There are a lot of companies that develop software's all around the world.
It would take me forever to compile you a list of all these companies but the URL will direct you to the site where you can view these companies.
List of software distribution companies
   This is a great question and the answer would have been much better if you gave a little information of the programming languages that you intend to use! Still there are a few software that are much better in collaboration and working when it comes to programming languages.
The software from Microsoft is Visual Studio check it here.

The software from oracle is eclipse and check it here.
Both are good but for many languages the Visual studio is the boss!
Hope you got your answer! 🙂