Hi guys. I just installed Driver Reviver latest version on my desktop in hopes to update all the drivers of my hardware and improve performance. I run the program and it upgraded the driver of my GeForce Video Card. I check the hardware and it still has the old version. Why is this so? I'm on Windows 7 64 bit.
Driver Reviver latest version did not update Video Card driver
Hi Eleni Hughes,
The Driver Reviver has only limited drivers that can be installed on your computer, the drivers that are included in the Driver Reviver is limited and general. In order to fix your video card's driver, kindly locate the video card brand and model on its box or by going to the device manager and look up all the unidentified drivers that you may see. List all of them and Google for the original driver for the computer, remember, don't install driver with different brand and model number, the driver must crash often if you do so.