Unable to open new form with InfoPath 2010

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

I have a Microsoft InfoPath form which I can open without receiving any errors with InfoPath 2007. But when I tried to open the form in other computer with InfoPath 2010, I got an error stating that the InfoPath cannot open a new form.  Can someone please help me with the problem I am encountering? Thanks.

InfoPath cannot open a new form.

There was an error in the calculation code.



Your user name cannot be verified because the form's security settings do not permit it.

Error occurred during a call to property or method 'get-UserName'.

Answered By 0 points N/A #124585

Unable to open new form with InfoPath 2010



The problem you are discussing is the problem with info path 2010 so the suggestion is to install the Microsoft info path 2007 again. This problem occurs due to compatibility issue or some other reason and this is the problem with 2010 therefore its marketing is not good in the market. So the previous version which was Microsoft info path 2007 was good and better then Microsoft info path 2010 and I suggest you to un install this version and again install the previous version. The best solution is this to reinstall the Microsoft into path 2007 instead of Microsoft info path 2010. Hope this is the best solution I have provided you.

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