I am trying to retrieve newsgroup list from server function but it shows empty file. After some time the message is given that, the list is retrieved, but there is nothing to show. I tried many times to get this list with different ways but I need the expert advice. Can you give me any suggestion to fix this problem?
Thanks in advance.
Error Message: Unable to download the list of newgroups. An error has occurred.
Outlook Express is unable to download the list of newgroups
Hi Gene,
You will need to configure you Outlook Express with address of the news server. This is similar process to that of POP server.
You need to get the settings/address from your Internet Service Provider. Normally it would be like
news.<<YOUR ISP NAME>>.com
If you do not get the address from your ISP, then you can enter addresses of some free servers available on the net. You can Google search for "free newsgroups" to get the addresses.
Note: These free servers would be slow and unreliable than your ISP provided server.