Hardware-assisted virtualization is disabled in Virtual PC

Asked By 340 points N/A Posted on -

I'm trying to install Windows Virtual PC and XP mode to a Windows 7 computer. When configuring XP with Virtual PC, I encountered error from Windows. The error says, the hardware-assisted virtualization is disabled. I enabled it already in BIOS but I can still see the same error message. How should I fix this?

Unable to start Windows Virtual PC because hardware-assisted virtualization is disabled

Windows Virtual PC

Unable to start Windows Virtual PC because hardware-assisted virtualization is disabled

Please follow these steps to enable hardware vithaltzation

– Restart the computer and enter BIOS setup.

– Search virtualization setting in BIOS and enable the setting.

– Save BIOS settings.

– Power off the computer. wait for few seconds and start the computer,

You can check your computer manufacturers manual for details on BIOS settings.

Learn more about BIOS virtualization settings

Answered By 15 points N/A #125940

Hardware-assisted virtualization is disabled in Virtual PC


First, you can try to download Microsoft’s hardware assisted virtualization detection tool. This will determine if your processor can actually be used for the HAVE. You can download the tool here. If your hardware can support HAVE, the tool will give you a message saying Hardware assisted virtualization is not enabled on this computer.

But if your processor is not supporting HAVE, you need to install some Windows update. Go to this site to get the updates:

The article also discusses the error in full length and also gives you instructions on how to enable HAVE in BIOS. You mentioned that you already did this, but you may want to check the instructions there and verify if you had actually completed all.

The link for that is:

Hopefully the update will let you run HAVE on your pc now.

Good luck!

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