When trying to update my profile in Yahoo such as Yahoo Pulse, I am getting an error as shown below.
I cannot even save the information that I already updated. I searched on Google for the same error, but I only seen unanswered issues from different users.
How can I fix this?
Please help me. I am running Windows Vista PC.
Alert Message
Invalidated input format
Invalidated Input Format Error in Yahoo
Yahoo pulse comes up with multi features and outstanding themes. The graphical user interface (GUI) of yahoo pulse seems like black screen (which is default theme), your name in bold and in large font. On extreme right of your name you have three options which are my profile, edit and setting. Your problem is that you make edit but it’s not responding. Leave edit, go for setting. A new page appears with various white blocks of your information.
Each block of information contains a pencil icon on the top right of block. That icon allows you to edit. If you click on this pencil you will jump to your profile with editable cursor. Make edit and update your profile. It will update your profile successfully.
Now if onwards you avail the edit button it will also work hopefully. I have experienced it by my own. Hope it will ease you.