I got this error message “54 Network 1 Software Error" when I tried to install my printers’ software. I use Lexmark brand model number Optra c710 printer.
I don’t know the meaning of this message. Need your help. Thanks.
“54 Network 1 Software Error”
Hi Josephine
It is a standard network error, which means the printer software is not able to connect to the printer (physically connected) using the network port established.
Please press GO button, so that the error is cleared and to make the printer to ready status.
By doing this, the network port which was used to establish the connection would be automatically disabled. Switch Off the printer and then Switch On with a delay of half a min or so. If it works then the issue is solved.
If not, then there is a network communication failure happened.
First check the printer by switch it off and on, with no physical connection (no cables from system to printer) to the system. If the printer displays a message ‘Ready’, then printer is fine. The issue could be with the cables. Replace the cables with new set and then it should work fine now.
If the printer does give the same error without connection to the system, then probably the error is with one of the network cards or board in the printer.
Remove all the optional network cards on the printer, to see if it works, if so then issue is with one of the network card. Use the network card which is working fine.
Last option is to try and upgrade the firmware on the network card.
Hope this helps