Is there any converter dll to source code software?

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

Kindly need your help. I want to know software that converts dll to source code. Can you give some suggestions. 

Best Answer by Head Jonathon
Answered By 5 points N/A #197282

Is there any converter dll to source code software?


There are many software that you can use. Dot Net Reflector is the best which gives you the total control of the source code.

Dot net Reflector  is not free, You can get 30 days trial version from here :

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Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #138907

Is there any converter dll to source code software?


Decompilation is possible depending on the language that the program was written in.Basically you can't get the source code of compiled VB programs.

Even with the best tools available, you will spend more time 'fixing' and interpreting what they produce than you would re-writing the program.

For C# you can use Reflector.

Please see below links for decompiler software’s.



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