How to deal with a Fallout 4 crash condition?

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I am experiencing issues with the game, Fallout 4. It keeps crashing and I want to know the cause and solutions to this. It usually throws an error message “Fallout 4 has stopped working”.

Answered By 1065 points N/A #99182

How to deal with a Fallout 4 crash condition?


If you are facing this particular error, you should immediately check if your machine meets the system criteria for Fallout 4. Almost all issues pertaining to game performances, attribute to the hardware part majorly. You can try doing the following in case you are a victim:

  • Update Graphics Card Drivers by fully deleting old ones and downloading the safest and latest versions, manually from the web.
  • Remove and reinstall Custom Mods in your system.
  • Do not tamper with the .ini file of the game. If you have edited it, restore it to its default contents. Delete certain files named “Fallout4.ini", “Fallout4Custom.ini”, and “Fallout4-Prefs.ini”
  • Change the display mode to run to “Borderless Windowed Mode”from Options menu of the Fallout 4 launcher.

If you still face issues, try contacting Bethesda Customer Support Centre.

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