Install Driver For Printer Using HP Install Network Printer Wizard.
Hey. I am working on a Windows 10 computer and have a HP printer. How do I install the best driver suitable for my printer using the HP Install Network Printer Wizard?
Hey. I am working on a Windows 10 computer and have a HP printer. How do I install the best driver suitable for my printer using the HP Install Network Printer Wizard?
The HP Printer Wizard automatically detects the best driver suitable for your printer.
1. Switch on your printer.
2. Connect it to your computer using a USB or wireless connection.
3. Run the HP Printer Install wizard.
4. Click Next.
5. Read the agreement and click ‘I Agree’.
6. Follow the instructions. On completion, the wizard will search for you printer.
7. Click on ‘Find Solutions’.
8. Go to Driver-Product Installation and Download the latest driver available for your printer.
If you cannot find your printer in the list, click ‘My Printer is not listed’ and follow the instructions that follow.