I had encountered a problem when run send receive at outlook 2003
Hi Gerard,
To avoid farther error, you can resolve the problem by asking o the support online of Microsoft’s.
Possible causes are internal problems. One of it is an address list is missing or is incorrect in the offline address book list object.
You can visit their support online with this link.
Hope this information might work and might help.
Hello Thomass,
This problem may occur if outlook started with a client which is not a member of a domain. Before resolve the issue, at first you have to make sure that the account you are using has an assigned membership in the local administrators group. Now for autodiscover.domain.com you have to add a host (A) record in the Domain Name System (DNS) and need to point to the exchange 2007 server. For example if the user’s primary SMTP address is ‘[email protected] then after adding the host it will be like ‘autodiscover.contoso.comA<IPaddress>’. Hope this could be a help.
Thank you.