Asked By
Jose Cox
210 points
Posted on - 06/07/2011
I got a Tablet PC that has Windows XP Tablet PC Edition on it. I've been using it for a couple of months now. Yesterday while I was using it, the operating system got corrupted. It has been a couple of hours since I touched it.
The problem I have now is figuring out which version of Windows XP Tablet PC Edition will the product key underneath the laptop will work. Is there a way to check that out?
Please send some light. I'm not a tech savvy. So it's kind a hard for me to deal with this.
Thank you.
Answered By
0 points
Windows XP Tablet PC Edition OS corrupted
If the operating system is corrupted then it is just proper to reinstall your OS. If you are looking for a product key, I doubt if it can be found underneath your laptop. What you see underneath your laptop are mostly serial numbers, sometimes MAC address, product numbers etc. So I doubt if you can see any product key for your OS there.
But if you want to try that out, you can just input those numbers/letters in the text field of your OS installation. If it won't work, you can proceed to the next number/letters which you thought of as product key.
But most product keys can be found inside your installation media CD/DVD. Sometimes it is printed in your CD/DVD casing. Sometimes it can be found in README. txt.
Windows XP Tablet PC Edition OS corrupted
Dear Jose Cox's:
If you have a corrupt Window then either you can repair your Window or you can install a new fresh copy. It is easy and simple as much as playing a game and I hope you have done it earlier and no thought about it.
If your Laptop is new and have a 2.0 processes and aprox 1GB ram and 40 hard disk then you can easily install a new version of window XP. This configuration also helps in window Vista and window 7.
But if your PC is of less specifications then you can install window XP because it suttees most of operating system and easy to install and configure all things like drivers and software are easily available for this window.
At the end I will say you about the product key it comes with new window edition and if you bought a CD for window then it will be with that CD. If you are downloading window from net it is easy to install it from there also.
One such window is available on this link Window XP.
Windows XP Tablet PC Edition OS corrupted
I'm glad I bumped to this thread, thanks, Paul info. I use the Windows installation disc to solve this problem. Thank you very much.