I Can’t Sign-in to Windows Live Messenger

I found this site very healthy, and I am searching for long time to get a reasonable solution of my problem.
I am having annoying problem in my Windows Live Messenger 8.0.
A message window appears when I try to log in and showing an error code-80048820.

Windows Live Messenger
Sorry, we were unable to sign you into Windows Live Messenger 8.0 at this time. Please try again later.
To let us try and troubleshoot the problem, click the troubleshoot button.
Error Code: 80048820
Extended Error Code: 80048416
I am also using Skype and Yahoo Messenger, but both the program are just fine.
I pressed the troubleshoot button on the message window and it passed all the connection tests. I have searched for the answer on Windows live help but unable to find the solution.
Also,tried to uninstall the program and reinstall it but it was unsuccessful too. I don’t have any idea, do you?