The newest features in Office 2013
Microsoft has always tried to come up with user-friendly products and office 2013 is yet another great product by the company. As is the way of the IT world, every newer version of an app is expected to offer a lot more than before; the same is the expectation from Office 2013. Let’s have a look at some of the best features in Office 2013 which are also unique.
1: The new look of the interface of Office 2013 is among the newest features of this version. The new look offers a better concentration level to the users than ever before as now some of the distracting features of the previous versions are no more to be seen in this release. For example, the several shades of different colors, the shadows along with the shading which were supposed to suggest three dimensions do not remain prominently in view in Office 2013.

2: Office 2013 has gone one step ahead of the previous releases as the new command of “Insert Screenshot” shows up the thumbnails of the apps which are currently running on your PC. You can then insert the right one and crop it.

3: The addition of more languages is going to be an excellent feature that has been introduced for the first time in Office 2013. More languages in this release mean more users can easily understand and rely on this release and find it genuinely user-friendly.

4: The “Read Mode” has to do a lot with Office 2013 being innovative and having newer and better features. In this newly added mode, it becomes easier for the user to perform lookups which are related to the content that has been highlighted. This new mode also hides the omnipresent ribbon toolbar. As a result, the document in Office 2013 looks like the open pages of printed books.

5: One of the best things about Office 2013 is its link to the cloud. Hence, the users of Office 2013 can take advantage of the cloud technology as a result of this integration. It is this new feature in Office 2013 which gives it a unique characteristic that differentiates it completely from the previous editions.
6: The white backgrounds are pleasing and among the top new features in Office 2013. With the addition of white backgrounds to the documents, the element of clutter and confusion is gone.

7: The very launch of Word, PowerPoint and Excel in Office 2013, is pleasantly surprising and unique. It is so as now, when you start Office 2013, you see the relevant landing screens which present templates along with other several options helping the users more in many respects. These screens were available previously but not this way.
8: A marvelous feature of Office 2013 is, once an Office document is saved online, you can access it anytime from any other device. It means you can pick up your work whenever you want to. So, Office 2013 gives you the option of opening a file or document on a separate and different device any time without losing the content.

9: One of the most genuinely different features in office 2013 is PDF editing in Word. What that means is you do not need to convert the PDF document to a format that suits Word in order to open it in Word. Office 2013 is equipped with the capability of opening PDF files, editing them there and finally saving them either as DOCX or PDF files.

10: As mentioned earlier, Office 2013 is far less confusing and cluttered with options which previously needed experience and familiarity with options available in Office documents. Easier charting is one more new feature in Office 2013 which proves quite productive. The user can conveniently see the options like pie charts, line, and bar which the program itself suggests for the user’s data. With this new feature, it has become quite easier for the users of Office 2013 to select and then create the charts of their choice.

11: For those of you who have to format shapes and images in PowerPoint, Office 2013 brings greater ease for you for the task. Right clicking an image and then choosing “Format Picture” opens up the new task pane of “Format Picture”, displaying different available formatting options. These available formatting options can also change when you have a different image to format.

12: Office 2013 comes with the amazing new feature of allowing you to embed a web video into the Word documents. Any content that you embed into the document can be played within the Office file in the presence of the internet connection.
13: We all expect more and better features and options in every new release, and Office 2013 has not disappointed it’s users as it is equipped with more and better graphics options. It doesn’t matter whether it’s Word, Excel, Outlook or PowerPoint, you can see the better changes. The pleasant look of the tool bar has new icons on its “Insert” tab which allows you to insert pictures easily from your own PC or online sources.