I have a problem on my Windows 8. When I shut down my computer there is an error that pops up and this error prevents me from shutting down until I shut it using the button. I do not know why this error is appearing please help.
CUcc Platform: msnmsgr.exe-Application Error
The instruction at 0x1000a548 referenced memory at 0x1000a548. The memory could not be written.
Click on Ok to terminate the program
Error when shutting down computer
This error occurs due to an error in msnmsgr.exe which is a file that belongs to MSN Messenger program. It’s one of the utility programs in windows 8 and that is why it brings a warning every time you are shutting down your computer.
To solve this error, you can repair the MSN Messenger by going to Windows Essentials 2012 which can be accessed by going to Control Panel and then to programs and features. Click on repair all windows Essential programs and this error will be solved.
Also you can change the MSN Messenger by uninstalling the current copy and installing a new copy.
Hope this will assist you.
Owens Liriano