Advantage of using memristor in storage technology

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

What is the advantage of using memristor (technology invented by HP) on manufacturing of hard disk?

Will it be cheaper than the current technology?

Best Answer by Tunacao_Caaron1
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 20 points N/A #103369

Advantage of using memristor in storage technology


Advantages of Memristor:

1. When used on a data center and the power is interrupted, it gives consistency and flexibility.

2. It has a substantial data density.

3. It is cheaper but faster than MRAM.

4. It generates lesser heat and less energy.

5. If your device is close, it allows faster boot up and the information is still intact.

6. It makes a computer not to boot up.

7. The density allows us to store more data.

8. You will not lose data even if it is turned off.


Answered By 0 points N/A #103370

Advantage of using memristor in storage technology


There are some advantages of  using memristor.

It is less expensive and faster then other device like MRAM.

There are more capacity to storage more information.

It is dose not lose information when system are switch off.

It has importanat information dansity.

It is use less energy and produced less heat.

it has option to combined one short device, hard drives and working memory.


Answered By 20 points N/A #103371

Advantage of using memristor in storage technology


Thank you Tunacao_Caaron1 and Adeel77 for giving me a list of the advantages of  Memristor.

Your responses really helped me.

Many thanks TechyV!

Answered By 0 points N/A #103372

Advantage of using memristor in storage technology


Dear Philippe,

There are many advantages of Memristor technology. Some of them are given below

1. It contain more data at a time.

2. It has greater data transfer rate.

3. It is a reliable technology.

4. It is a very small device,

5. It is easily transportable 

6. It kept data when its turned off.

7. It use less energy.

8. The cost of Memristor technology relatively low

Thanks and Regards


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