Top IBM Lotus Notes errors
1. “Your current ID does not specify an Internet certificate for signing”
You have requested to sign this Internet message, but your current ID does not contain or does not specify an Internet certificate for signing. Select OK to send the message anyway. Select Cancel to not send the message.
This is an error that occurs when your Lotus Notes settings for sign emails was not set properly. This happens whenever your PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) on an existing Lotus Notes ID signs in messages to other Lotus Note recipients.
Here’s a solution, Lotus Notes should be updated with a X.509 certificate with your Lotus Notes ID but usually most users don’t need it. Another alternative, you can change the signing message settings to default.
2. “Your availability time range is invalid”
Your availability time range is invalid, please correct.
The problem with this that it did included Sunday and Saturday.
We need to check all days, enter you desire times ranges for all days and this warning will disappear
3. “Lotus Notes Registry key” error
The Lotus Notes registry key does not specify the correct location of Lotus Notes. Please check HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareLotusNotesPath8.0
It is a registry error that usually not associated or created an entry in registry Lotus Notes thru USB on NOMAD mode.
The solution on this matter is creating a registry keys and its value. The following:
DataPath=<Path to Lotus Notes Data Directory>
Path=<Path to Lotus Notes Program Directory>
4. “Lotus Notes installation error” on Linux
Lotus Notes error on Linux system pops out when using Eclipse framework/SWT and tries to recognize the old version of the xulrunner to install in the system. Later, you’ll be encountering a second error when opening the Lotus Note as shown below.
The trick is we need to make sure to remove or transfer xulrunner files “mv /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9/ /tmp/” and “mv /tmp/xulrunner-1.9/ /usr/lib/” from the xulrunner libraries temporarily. Once you get to open and encounter the 2nd error close the “Getting Started” tab, exit Lotus Notes and return the two xulrunner files to their directory. This will fix the problem.
5. “Type mismatch on external name” error
Type mismatch on external name: UIMEMODOCUMENT
It happens many times when you’re using Lotus Notes to whatever application may it be email, document management, discussion forums, and various types of other business process including its tools, add-ins/add-ons.
First and simple way to resolve this by going to and open the Domino Designer user’s mail file, select tools and select “Recompile All Lotus Script”.
2nd option of doing this is deleting the script library “ACLManager” and then do a File> Database> Replace Design on the mail50.ntf template.
6. “The internet service certificate is not trusted” Lotus Notes Error
The internet service certificate is not trusted. Do you want to take corrective action now (i.e. retrieve service certificate and decide whether to trust it)?
This problem cause by the internet root authorities or companies like Verisigning selling certificates to another companies. Settings “to trust the certificate” might resolve the pop-up issue and will also tells us about the link being a harmful website.
Set up correctly, click File menu select Security, and then in the sub-menu select User Security. Enter your Notes password and then A User Security window will open. The left of Identities of Others click the “+” sign and select Authorities. Then Open the Certificates “drop-down” menu and select Internet Root Authorities. In the Trust Column check every empty check box, every name in the Certificate Authority Name column even if it is a duplicate. Then Click “ok” in the Certificate Authority and “yes” to save the changes.
7. “Update status after login”
It’s an error if you’re using Standard Notes Client
You just to have upgrade Fix Pack release, 8.5 Fix Pack 1 together with latest Maintenance Release.
8. “Error accessing product object method”
Error accessing product object method.
This error appears when the user’s Editor ACL access open the mail file and doesn’t re-appear.
This should be resolved by setting up the user’s ACL access level to Manager when opening and closing the mail file. We will not have this problem again once you set back the access level to Editor.
9. “Network operation did not complete in a reasonable amount of time” on EV 9.0.1
Notes error: Network operation did not complete in a reasonable amount of time; please retry
Error appears due to the updated “Retrieve to Mail” file technology used in Ev. it’s a hidden item that’s being retrieved from Ev and the server which experiencing slow connection or traffic connection that usually ends up timing out.
Fix can be found and modify thru Notes.ini parameter with your desire time-out period -CLIENT_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER like set it up to 2 will make the time-out twice compare from its default. As for the Server, lower the mtu value to allow the traffic flow and wait longer to get responses from all clients thru the server.
10. “Data about the error is being collected for company’s help desk for use in error analysis”
An error has occurred in a Lotus Notes application.
Data about the error is being collected for your company’s help desk to use in error analysis.
The Lotus Notes application will close when data collection is complete. Please wait.
In this situation, it has so many concerns, issues and reasons why we get this problem error. The user or admin did a installation or re-installation attempt over an actual installation process . One possible scenario, the server document has a Directory Assistance database field filled in with a non-existent file name.
The workaround, open the names.nsf thru using Notes client, open the Server> Servers view and the open the server document for Domino server that you’re installing on. Erase whatever non-existent file name in the Directory Assistance field.