Asked By
800 points
Posted on - 06/12/2011
I am using windows xp with service pack 2 on a core 2 duo processor with 2 GB ram and 512mb graphic card.
I m having a problem that whenever I start the windows, it display the error saying Svchost.exe – Application Error The instruction at “0x00401000” reference memory at “0x00401000”. The memory could not be “written”.
svchost.exe – Application Error
The installation at "0x00401000" referenced memory at "0x00401000". The memory could not be "written".
Click on OK to terminate the program
Click on CANCEL to debug the program
After that, I am able to use the computer but it works very slowly. Some programs including internet explorer and control panel does not works and shows that they require to debug to run.
I perform virus scanning but nothing was found by the Avira antivirus.
I have some third party installations on this system which requires me to pay every time I ask them for installation so I don’t want to go for reinstallation of windows.
Suggest me how can I get rid of this error.
Svchost.exe: Application Error 0x00401000 The Memory Could Not be Read
This problem is occurred when the registry of the windows will be affected from an virus. To solve the problem you should adopt the following steps:
1. Go to the Microsoft website and download the Windows updater.
2. Download the file fix Svchost.bat
3. Download file WindowsXp-KB927891.exe and all files save to c:/ drive.
4. Reboot your computer and run your computer in the safe mode.
5. When the logo screen appear so logon as Administrator
6. Click on start button and click on Run and type fix Svchost.bat and press enter.
7. A black screen will appear and it will doing its work and will be closed automatically.
8. When the black screen appear the click Run from start button and write WindowsXp-KB927891.exe and press enter. And install it.
9. When the installing is finished the write WindowsXp-KB927891.exe in Run and press enter.
10. Then in last reboot your computer.
Your problem will be surely solved…
Svchost.exe: Application Error 0x00401000 The Memory Could Not be Read
There are many Solutions that you can use to fix your problem and the perfect and safe method is to follow these steps
You just need to have right program to make scan for your computer and to clean your registries files up so you just need Software of Registry Cleaner so with this software you can scan your computer automatically and also clean up your system from any corrupted files and will avoid the crashing of your system so the best , safe , easy and simple way is to download and install Registry Cleaner Software and you need to choose the correct one so after you download it you will not face any problems like that again
Hope this Solution Helps You