One of the latest tech gadgets that Samsung revealed is the newest Galaxy Grand 2 phablet, which was unveiled globally last November 2013 and was launched in India last December 23, 2013. And since then, the company has been taking pre-orders for Rs 2,000. And now, the actual price has been revealed in the Indian market for Rs 22,999 or $370. The Smartphone is the successor of the recent Galaxy Grand which became a success in India, but this time it has a bigger screen with more RAM space and a better battery capacity.
Samsung Galaxy Grand 2 is the second Samsung handset with faux leather back next to the recent Galaxy Note 3. It runs with Android 4.3 Jelly Bean out-of-the-box. This is a dual-SIM device so it can run GSM+GSM. There is also a single SIM device, but it is not released yet. The display resolution of 720×1280 pixels and a larger 5.2-inch HD TFT (Sadly, it is not IPS) screen makes it one of the most awaited devices this year. It is powered with 1.2GHz Quad-Core Qualcomm processor, 8-Megapixel rear camera with LED flash with the 1.9-Megapixel front camera. It also runs with 1.5GB RAM and 8GB expandable memory up to 64GB through a MicroSD card. And it is also packed with a 2600maH battery capacity and can offer 17-hours of calls. It still has the Samsung’s TouchWiz feature. This Galaxy phone is available in colors black, pink and white, but only the white color is available for now in India. This phablet is definitely much better than its predecessor considering all the improvements and a higher resolution display, an improved aesthetics and a bigger battery storage.
The following connectivity options are available on the Samsung Galaxy Grand 2: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4, GPS with GLONASS and USB 2.0. And since this new Galaxy phone price have been revealed for the Indian market, it is already listed under Samsung India online store and Infibeam and it is available for purchase now. And later this weekend, you can avail this on your nearest retailer store.
It comes pre-loaded with some well-known applications that we have already seen in the previous Galaxy S4 and Galaxy Note 3 such as the Story Album which allow the users to manage their pictures, S Translator, S Travel, and Club Samsung where you can stream music, live TV and your favorite movies. This will compete with the forthcoming Nokia Lumia 1320 and Samsung Galaxy Mega 5.8 and it will match directly to Lenovo Vibe X.
The downsides of this Galaxy phone is that since it doesn’t have an IPS screen, the viewing angles and colors are firmly typical. And the chrome trim on each side will surely fade in some time. The UI was not that smooth and there are reported lags when jumping on the apps and the home screens on the demo units and we hope that the final unit won’t have this issue.
As of now, there is no official release when it will be available in other markets, but surely it will be, in the near future. Also, there will be an upcoming Galaxy Grand model that is coming the way and it is reportedly called as the Samsung Grand Neo which is cheaper than the Grand 2 but with lower specifications along with other competitors that will offer better features, I think a big price cut is going to happen for the Samsung Galaxy Grand 2 since the current price is a bit too much.