
Everything You Need to Know About Domain Space

TCP/IP uses an IP address to uniquely identify the host to the internet, however remembering the IP address all the time is difficult. So instead of using an address, it uses names and thus, the DNS provides this mapping address to a name and name to address. Each node is called a tree. It has a Domain name which is separated by dot (.) If the label is terminated by a null string, it’s called a fully qualified domain name; for example, if the label is not terminated by a null string,...

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Top 5 File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Software

In the recent years there has been a continuous increase in the number of people who have personal or business websites and WordPress blogs. With this increase, the demand for FTP client programs which can upload or download the data to and from the website or blog has also gone up. These programs use File Transfer Protocol for transferring data, hence are known as FTP clients. FTP clients are available in a commercial or freeware versions. In this article we will review 5 of best FTP clients programs available to the user: FileZilla:...

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Top 5 Screen Capture software

Screen Capturing Software applications are extremely useful resources for all web developers and designers. Such programs are useful in capturing an image or images of certain visible screens from your computer monitor whether it is the web or desktop. Screen capturing applications provides these developers with better features and functionality, this is the reason why they are extremely popular as it makes their job much faster, easier and convenient. Some of the best screen capture software applications can be accessed without any charges and the trail versions can be easily downloaded. However, if...

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Managing Group Policies with Command Line Tools

When it comes to the utilization of Group Policy in MS Windows XP, it means to characterize client and PC settings for the assemblies of clients and PCs. In this process, we conceive an exact desktop setting for a specific assembly of clients and PCs by utilizing the Microsoft Management Console’s – MMC Group Policy snap-in.

The backgrounds of Group Policy that we conceive are comprised of a Group Policy Object – GPO that is, in response, affiliated with chosen AD carriers. Such an example are domains, websites, or...

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What is WiFi?

WiFi is simply defined as a wireless networking technology; a way of connecting computer devices without cables. With the WiFi technology, you can access broadband internet without using any cables, be able to get to your email and other online resources from any location in your compound and connect to the office network from the restaurant or even in an airport.

Nowadays, wireless technologies are widely installed in many public places like restaurants, airports, and libraries. WiFi uses radio technology for connectivity in...

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Top 5 Free Vector Graphics Tool

A vector is defined by two major properties; magnitude and direction. The term also depicts the mathematical or geometrical representation of entities like velocity, momentum, force, electromagnetic fields etc. Vectors are portrayed graphically in two or three dimensions. Graphic is the creative way to visually representing vectors on computer. An editor helps to modify the vector graphics. There are two types of editors: the line editor and screen-oriented editor.

     With the rapid evolution of high-end technologies, drawing and designing have gone digital. Images in...

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Top Five Free Secure Erase Utilities

A Secure Erase Utility is an application that overwrites data in order to completely destroy the electronic data residing on a digital media or a hard disk drive. Sensitive data such as bank account details, credit card numbers or medical history are often stored on hard drives and are capable of unintentionally making their way into other digital media. In order to securely delete sensitive information, use of a Secure Erase Utility is recommended. The following are the best five free secure erase utilities:

Eraser You can...

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Conventional LANs and Integrated VLAN

LAN (Local area network) is a network that is up to an office or building multiple numbers of computers is used that are connected through switches. LAN is a medium and small size business. LAN has feature that it can be handled easily because there are no any complex issues in VLAN.

In LAN hierarchical network is tool that has desecrated layers and also plays a vital role in network performance. Each layer is responsible for performing its own functionality. By using hierarchical model network performance will...

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Comparison between Universal, Global and Local Security and Distribution Groups

The following are two types of assemblies to choose from when contriving a new assembly in Microsoft Active Directory:

Security Such assemblies permit you to organize client and PC to get access to distributed resources. We can further command those who obtain assembly principle settings. It eases management by allowing us to establish permissions one at time on a lot of PCs, then to alter the members of assembly as our desires change. The alteration in assembly members mechanically takes effect. We can employ these assemblies further...

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Service Oriented Architecture

Service Oriented Architecture is a technique used in software development based on the concept of Service.  A service can be defined as an independent function which is well defined and self contained. In SOA, different services communicate with each other to perform some activity. Even two or more services can be synchronized together to perform some complex activities. Even though SOA is a new term, the concept of services was introduced long back itself. At that time, it used DCOM or ORB depending on the CORBA requirement. A simple Service Oriented Architecture consists of a Service Provider...

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