
Could someone explain me what is Recursion or recursive function?

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Object Oriented Programming Concepts

Different approaches are used in software development. Some of them are
  1. Procedural Oriented Programming
  2. Structured Programming (Modular Programming)
  3. Event driven Programming
  4. Object Oriented Programming
In Procedure Oriented Programming, the software is developed as a set of instructions which is executed one after another. But this method was inefficient while dealing with real time situations as the data and the procedures used to interact with this data were really separated.  Structured Programming is based on a logical structure and is written in such a way that it can be modified easily. In Event driven Programming, the execution...

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Advantages of Fax messages over email and postal communication

In this age of communication, many rival each other to grab the attention of the users. Be it the business communication or communication of other sorts, safe and quick communication modes get lapped up by the customers. Fax, a form of sending a document over telephone lines, and the shortened form of facsimile has been in existence since the 19th century. Faxing has become an effective communication and transmission tool. Fax transmission comes with fax protocols, which happen to be standards related to fax transmission that pave way for different types and brands of fax machines to...

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Duo Core Vs Core 2 Duo

Technological advancement has made technology smaller, smarter and faster but there is a limit to everything. The modern central processing units or CPU has been designed to perform faster but they have to cope with a strong rival, ‘the heat’. Processors produce more heat as their clock speed increases and thus puts it on high risk to burn the circuitry. The human lust for speed never ends and that desperate desire has led to the embedding of multiple cores on the same processor. The research revealed that it is better to join two cores...

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Best 5 Free CD Ripper

A CD Ripper is software that allows copying of raw digital audio like music from a Compact Disk to a computer. Several ripper software exist in the market that allow one to rip a CD within a short time and convert the digital audio into a file format in the computer.

The benefit of Ripping a CD

Once a CD is ripped and the music in it is converted to a file format, it becomes possible to change the file to any desirable format. You can create a jukebox list or even transfer all the music...

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I have some images on my computer and can I put passwords to those files?

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Dear all,

Recently I've bought a Wireless Keyboard to work with my MacBook 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo. First of all I'm new in Mac Platform. The wireless keyboard which I purchased is also  Apple Brand.

My problem is the lower part of the alphabet zxc..( Whole row) is not responding with the left command button. It did not experience any accident and also tried with changing batteries, connecting with another computer, but it doesn't  work. Does anyone have solutions to recover my problem. Please help me. Thanks.


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Processes on getting full bandwidth

In every Microsoft Windows operating system 20% internet speed is kept by default from the normal speed provided for general users. Microsoft Corporation reserves this 20% bandwidth for updating their product. For this reason we are being deprived from getting full bandwidth facility. Many people don’t know it. We can’t tolerate this scenario anymore. There is a very easy way by which we can get full bandwidth.

Whole process is given below which will give us freedom to get full bandwidth.

1. Click - Run

     Type - gpedit.msc

2. Then group...

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Dear All,

I've recently purchased an iPod touch 3G 16GB. Unfortunately my iPod's software has totally crashed. I just don't know what happened. Now it has nothing in it. I tried to restore it, but failed. What should I do now? Please help me.



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Windows 2008 New Feature – Read-Only Domain Controllers (RODC)

When we talk about the Windows 2008’s new feature, ‘Read-Only Domain Controller (RODC)’, it’s the latest kind of domain manager in the said Window. The major reason for it is for advance protection in agency divisions. The following are some of the main points that describe the functionality of this new feature added to windows 2008:

Dependable MSI Covering Admin-Studio
  1. It allows you to create dependable MSI packages
  2. You can use it to narrow down up to 70% of time for MSI packaging
  3. With the help of this...

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