

I have to form a query in such a way that all the NULL values in a column are grouped together and Not NULL values are grouped separately.

In algorithm form my output should be:
Total_Count            Columnxyz
number1                    NULL
number2                    All Not NULL

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I am new to Oracle. I have a doubt regarding two basic queries I see everyday at work. Say, I have a table employee with 1000 records. When I fire:


Select count(*) from employee;




Select count(1) from employee;


They both give me the same result - 1000.

Is there any difference between count(*) and count(1)?

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I have 3 access points, that I plan to install on my Local Area Network and I want to use them at the same time.

Is this possible?

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Hello everyone. I just created my first ever website for my business and I want to ask for help regarding search engine indexing. Right now there are two major search engines dominating the market, Google and Bing (since Yahoo is now powered by Bing). My website got indexed in Google within 48 hours without even doing anything. However, when it comes to Bing Search, it seems like my website still doesn’t exist. Bing is not indexing my website on their search results page? Please advice on what to do?

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When I send emails, my computer gets stuck or freezes, and sometimes, it turns off. I'm wondering what the problem might be. Is there anyone who knows any solution to this?

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Hi! I was using my computer a while ago and was installing Call of Duty. While the system was copying the files, I left it for a while and when I came back, the CPU is already turned off. When I tried to turn it back on, it doesn’t respond. The only thing I get is the monitor LED light blinking. Please help! I have no idea what happened. Here are the specs of my PC:


Intel i5 760 Quad Core 2.8GHz
Inno3d Geforce GTX 460 1GB 256bit HDMI
MSI H55-GD65 mainboard
Kingston 4GB DDR3
Thermaltake V4
hec raptor 500w

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Hi everyone,

I need help with my internet.  It seems to disconnect, when I leave my laptop. What I usually do is, just leave it when I am done using it.

Earlier,  whenever I come back to use it, I still had my internet working.  However now, when I come back, It is not connected and I cannot browse the net.

I'm using a wireless connection and the router my  brother is using, is just a few meters away.

Please help.

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I'm trying to search for a certain file (it's an invoice) but have no luck searching for it. Can you share some tips or suggestions to help find a file in Windows Vista?

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Hi All

I need to write a program that will show the reverse order of an array’s elements.

What will be code for reversing the values of an array?

For example: if array = 5,8,12,19,25

Then program will show the out put as:


Any help would really be appreciated.

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I need to write a program. It’s very much difficult for me to attempt without any help. Please give me an idea solution to understand how can i solve this program?

This is about to write a program that will display the following menu of a health club:

  1. Standard Adult Membership
  2. Child Membership
  3. Senior Citizen Membership
  4. Quit the program


The program will take input from the user about the choice selection of above menu and also will take number of months. Then the program will calculate the membership charges for the given number of months as follows:


  1. Standard Adult Membership                 Rs.50
  2. Child Membership                                Rs.20
  3. Senior Citizen Membership                  ...

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