

I have developed a web site and what I want is get pronunciation when mouse on each main tabs. And other thing is I want to add my own voice. Please tell me how to do this? Thanks. 

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I want your help to know how to create a command button in excel 2010 and what are the command button styles in excel 2010. I tried myself but I could not find it. Please give me necessary instructions.

Thank you.

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I have more than 20 years old slides with abnormal reddish color.

I have Photoshop Cs 2 and have some knowledge.

Please tell me how to color correct old slides using Photoshop.


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I am developing web site for promote newly introduced soft drink and I want to add consumer complaint section which should be directly connected to email account. Please help me to find nice consumer complaint format and give me necessary instructions to connect that. Thanks

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I have apple mac and I want to recover few files (photos) which were completely deleted by me accidentally few days ago. On net search I found software called disk doctors for mac data recovery. If you have any experience please tell me will this software able to recover my deleted files?

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I have apple mac and recently I have a problem with watching videos on youtube. I always received an error message youtube blocked plug in? I have installed latest flash player but exists same problem? Please help me to solve this problem?

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I brought new HSDPA USB stick and installed to my laptop. My os is windows 7. But it didn’t run correctly and I uninstalled it and tried to reinstall. But then it can’t open. It is not recognized by USB ports with the message of unrecognized device. Please tell can I open it or installed using dos command for unrecognized device. Please help me to solve this problem.

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I have made a blog with blogger and added my site url successfully to Google and Bing search engines. I gave my site url to yahoo and they asked to verify it. I tried to do that using meta tag and failed. Other methods are not familiar with me. Please tell me how to register website with yahoo correctly? Thanks.

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I have regular msn conversations and I want to save them and send to my e-mail account for further reference. Please tell me how to send msn conversations to email and open them?

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I am very interesting of programming mobile phones and while net searching I have found that many programming languages are using for programming mobile phone? My question is what the best one is. And please tell me if we develop mobile software using C++ does it compatible with all mobile phones and how to test that software?

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