

I am using this Vegas pro for some time but facing this problem for the first time. For you information I recently upgraded my version from 10e to the latest one. Here in this when I click the files and Render as, an error message appears. And I am facing this error for all render types and I re-installed again thinking that it might be solved. But no, help me fix up.

An error occurred during the current operation.

An exception was thrown by a type’s initializer (.cctor)

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Hello Expert friends,

Friends when I am trying to burn a DVD using the Nero burner I got ended up with an error message. I used to burn lot of CD without any error, but now the problem is different. It says me re-install the product and there is an internal error occurred. Why I am getting this error? For your information when I try to burn other than video files sometime it is working. I don’t understand the real cause? Help please.


We are very sorry, but an internal error occurred.

Please re-install the product to...

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Hello expert,

I have a peculiar problem whenever I try to open MKV file with XVID4PSP I am getting this error. I try by re-installing it million times but still the error exists. So I try to open with other source, no luck. I am thinking that the problem will be with MKV files. I am confused; help me to come out of this issue.

AviSynth script error:

DirectShowSource: RenderFile, the filter graph manager won’t talk to me

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Hello all,

Like others me too a kind of lazy. I tried to open the link in the email, just by double clicking. I do this regularly, I am used to this. Never thought of any error in this situation, not even imagined. Is the problem with the Safari? Whether I need to check the settings? Help me to resolve it.

No associated application could be found.

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Hello folks,

I got this game from my friends and started to do the installation, it went successful without any issues. After installation when I am about to start the game I ended up with an error message. I have a windows vista operating system with 64 bit, think so. Is it a bug, should I return it back to the store? Please give me some assistance. Help please.

EFLC FATAL ERROR: Windows Vista: Need to have service pack 1 or higher to proceed.

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Hi Pro,

When I download the IVI drivers installation folder it was in the WinZip form. Then I extracted in C drive and I installed it. The problem triggered while setup, am I doing anything wrong. Any file is missing while extract? Do I need any permission from tech support department? Frustrated, please help me out. Thanks.

Error 5 running command .setup.exe

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Hi there,

Using SonyVegas Pro I am not able to create a movie, it showing some error. When I hit the render as, immediately the error pops, saying error occurred while creating the media file. How do I stop this error? This is the latest version and all updates are done in my system. I welcome all kind of ideas. Thanks.

An error occurred while creating the media file.

Exception thrown by method called

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Hi all,

When I am trying to update the Nokia Ovi suite in my system, I was terribly frustrated. I have windows 8 operating system and also I have the older version of this Nokia Ovi Suite. Might the old version be the problem? Thinking of that I tried to download the new installation without removing the old one. But still the error appears; help me to sort the problem.

Problem with the installation file

There seems to be a problem with this installation file. To be able to install Nokia Ovi Suit, download the latest vertion from...

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Hi DBA’s,

I am a beginner to SQLite finding very hard to trace the errors and solutions for it. This is the syntax error I am getting and I have this error for some of my other database too. So please help me to resolve this issue and help me to learn more. Here the syntax should end with period?

Sorry,SQLiteConnection Write returned an error.

Check the event log for details.

SQLite error

near “s”: syntax error

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Hi there,

When I attempt to install the Blacklist game I ended up with this peculiar system error message. Here in this installation is done without any critical problem but I try to start the game, system throws me an error. It says some dll is missin, how do I fix this dll? So I tried the regular method of re-installing it again, thinking of magic sometime happen, no luck. Help please.

The problem can’t start because d3dx11_43.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.

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