
Hi Developers,

I want to know if I can use a PostgreSQL 8.3 database to make a Blackberry application, I just need to know how to install blackberry connect jar for Postgre, please tell me also which drivers will I need to import. 


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Hi experts, Where can I find IMEI code iPhone checker free Software ? My aim is to avoid getting a locked SIM after the standard number of tries (usually 3) Thank you very much.

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Hi Tech's, My question is pretty simple : is it possible to convert m4a header iTunes fix Nokia phone and play it on such a device ? In other words : how to enjoy playing m4a files on Nokia Phone (Symbian OS, not Windows mobile) Many thanks.

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Hello Apple lovers,

When trying to get some funny mac icons super Mario topic related I assume that I would always get Windows related sites..
So in order to not waste my time I'd like -instead of searching MAC icons - trying to convert Windows icons to MAC ones is this possible ?
I know GIMP is the best tool for making icons but is it capable of converting their extensions ?
Thank you.


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I am interested in downloading BPM 64 Bit free. I am using  Mac OS X version 10.5. Please share the information if anyone has any idea about this.

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Hello geeks, Is it possible in to program a menu login jquery based ? The challenge would be to integrate it into a site that contains no JavaScript code. Knowing that JQuery requires all its library to be loaded, do you think my scenario is realistic ? Thanks a lot

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Hi experts,
I would like to know what is the best mobile partner new for windows 7, and how may it be capable of synchronizing the SmartPhone with the PC, by "new" I mean released in 2013, or at least in 2012, 
Thank you all.

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Hello folks,

I want to know how to create a download manager using VB6 which also shows the progress bar, time and speed.

If anyone of you is having the source code, just share it with me or tell me some tutorials, which can help me develop this program.

Please make it fast because I have to submit VB6 create a download manager in four days.


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Hi guys,

I would like to get your opinion on the optical character recognition feature that is being developed currently, would the OCR Pixel clear be as good as the real clearness? And when will this technology be available on Webcams?



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Hi guys,

My question is regarding Download Software's, so is orbit malware code free ?

I don't want to download it then format all my HDDs because of its unsafety.


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