Hi Pro,
I installed the latest version KMPlayer and whenever I try video files, error appears. I click ok and continue seeing the video without any interruption. I don’t understand the reason for this error. Do I need to remove the previous or old version? How will I correct this error? Anything related to registry? Help please.
Access violation at address 0174AFC1 in module ‘KMPlayer.exe’. Read of address 00000544.
Read moreHi all,
When I installed the Advance system Care there was no problem. Installation was successful without any error message. But not when I try to start up it is producing me a system error message. So tried to re-install the program again but no luck I am getting same error again. How to fix this is missing? Suggestions are welcomed. Thanks.
Could not start the program because rtl20.bpl is missing on your computer. You can try to fix the problem by reinstalling the program
Read moreHi Whiz,
When I am trying to capture some video from Arcsoft Showbiz, I faced this problem. Not able to continue with the application, fatal exit happened. Is any dll file is missing? Any other application is causing this issue? And I found EHREC. Exe is running behind. What it is this application? Help me to resolve this error.
Missing Ordinal C:Program Files(x86)ArcSoftShowBizcomdlg.dll->SHELL32.dll:148
Read moreHi Friends,
When I opened Microsoft work program to work with my document, I got this weird error message. Working with Microsoft word and I am getting error on Visual Basic application. Really don’t understand the cause of this problem. Do I need to uninstall visual basic and word? Help me to resolve this error.
Compile error in hidden module: AZWizardModul. This error commonly occurs when code is incompatible with the version, platform, or architecture of this application. Click “Help” for information on how to correct this error.
Read moreHi all,
I have lot of video games and I am mad on them. While I am installing a new Razer game, got an error message that ‘error reading from file. A bit confused, I have installed lot of games never experienced this before. I used the CD drive to install the new game. I cleaned the drive and CD and tried again, error is not going. May be problem with the CD ROM or with the Configuration? Help me friends.
Error Image
Words in the Error Image
Razer Game Booster Installer Information
Error 1305.Error reading from file C:UserJamesAppDataLocalTemp{81CF33A3-14A7-4462-95D7-D42AC57B6FE1}Razer Game...
Read moreI am attempting to do manual testing on my WPF app. So I made some test case and then launch the exe file. I entered the username and password and then hit the logon button. The recording went successfully. But when trying to playback, I got an error as shown below. I don't understand the error message and I don't know how I can fix it. Please help.
Playback Error
Playback action failed
Verify the initial state of application under test as required for playback.
Failed action: Click 'UserName text box
Error: The playback failed to find the...
Read moreMy Easy Photo Print was unable to work. I have an Epson R300 printer and when I attempt to launch the program, the error message came up. I tried to go to Epson website to see an update for my printer but I can't see anything about Easy Print module. What can I do to resolve this?
Epson Easy Photo Print
Restart Epson Easy Photo Print after installing the latest version of Easy Print module.
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Hi Troubleshooters,
I used to download lot of books from online and read. When i am trying to download stuck with this error message. How to clear the cache files from memory? What else I can do to get some memory space? Guide me solve this problem. Your help is appreciated.
C:Program FilesAVGAVG PC TuneUpProgram Deactivator.exe
Not enough quota is available to process this command.
Read moreHello Whiz,
I just added the new Gigabyte GTX 560 to my operating system windows 8. Initially I set up all the drivers. But while working it showing me an error, install the driver correctly. So again I re-installed the drivers again. But same error is popping up again. Friends help me clear my doubt and assist me solve the problem.
Image of the Error
Error Message in the Image
Gigabyte ERROR
Initialize failed. Maybe you don't install the driver correctly!
Read moreHi Expert friends,
When I try the JDK budle installation, I am not able to proceed further after few steps. Getting a peculiar error which I never heard of it. For more information I am using windows XP and had previous version of this software long back. Do I need to remove the files and folders before installation? Do those files causing error? Guide to figure the problem.
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