

I created a storyboard via Power Point 2013 and have added various shapes and icons on it. Next, I wanted to animate some of the shapes and icons but could not figur out exactly how to do so. Can anyone give me instructions on how to provide animations to the shapes ?

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I normally use Control Panel to access the Windows Firewall system. Recently I have switched to using the regedit command to open the System Registry. Both function correctly but may I know which one is better? Being a domain admin myself, are there any advantages that I may encounter if I use regedit over the standard method of disabling the Windows firewall?

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I am using MacBook Pro, and have noticed lately that my battery life is draining very quickly. I stopped a few dynamic applications that were running but still, that didn't make much of a difference. Is it possible to determine what the cause is? If so, how can that be done?

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Is it possible that all Facebook contacts and their photos automatically add up in the Contacts with OS X Maverick? If yes, can anyone guide me exactly how to go on about doing so?

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Can PhotoStream be used to stream photos to an Apple TV 2? Does it keep any local copies while doing so? Is there any limit available as to how many photos can be streamed at a time?

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While using the camera of my iPhone, sometimes the auto options become a curse! Can anyone guide me how to lock the features of auto focus and auto exposure?

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The Maps app in iOS always gives driving directions, by defaiult. Everytime I set out for a walk, I have to choose for the option available for walking directions. Is it possible to change the default type and set it for walking directions always?

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I have recently upgraded to OS X Mavericks, many of its features have been updated, as I notice. I am a frequent user of the Safari option. How can I possibly pull data from Twitter using the Shared Links feature of the updated version? Is it possible to access all links attached by my friends? 

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I have a system on which is installed RHEL6. Now I need to install graphic drivers.I tried installing one but had trouble in its configurations and so it didn't work at all. Please guide me which drivers to select and how to install them.


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I am using Microsoft Project 2010 with my other team members. When a resource is over allocated, MS Project can be used to keep the project on track. How can we use MS Project to resolve resource conflicts? I have been revising the resource's availability and making changes so the resource is not needed for some tasks. But can you tell me better options how to use MS Project for this purpose?

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