

On my MAC I have installed an old version of Traktor but today someone told me that would be better to run an update to get more features which will grant more access in mixing. When I run the updates this error message stopped all my wishes. I didn’t try to change something in my MAC because I don’t want to ruin my old version of Traktor. Can anyone please help me to update my Traktor? Why I can’t do it and what is the problem with the location? Thank you!

lnstall Traktor 2


Cannot proceed with...

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Hi there,

I have created a Test Company in GP 10 and instead of opening Analytical Accounting window this error box popped up. I have this error for the first time and I have no idea what it means. Can anyone tell me how can I fix this and how I can restore the settings from the begging? Thank you!

Microsoft Dynamics GP

Analytical Accounting has not been installed. Access denied.

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Recently I have bought the MYOB Student Edition and I have installed it on my laptop with Windows 7 (x64), everything worked fine with install. Now when I try to run it this Error 3002 appeared and tell me to contact Service Support. I have made some internet researches and nothing useful found. I still await a response from support, but I am in a hurry so please, anyone can tell me why I have this error ? How can I solve it ?

Thank you !

AccountRight Plus

Error 3002 was encountered when opening the M-Powered

Services Centre...

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Today I wanted to install Adobe Reader 9.3, but during the installation this error 1402 appeared and stopped the install. I have checked the compatibility with my system and there is no problem. Is there any solution for this error ? How it can be fixed ?

Thanks !

Adobe Reader 9.3 Installer Information

Error 1402.Could not open key:


B9B1A 1EE868AB67CA7DA7330 1B7449A03000000 10.

Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel.


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Hi there,

While installing Analytical Accounting in the middle of the process two errors stopped the install wizard. I tried to run the install twice and also downloaded again but still. I don’t know if is a problem with my laptop or with the software. Can anyone help me to install it properly? Also, I am curious why I have this kind of error? Regards!

Microsoft Dynamics GP

[Microsoft][SQL] Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Cannot insert duplicate key row in object ‘dbo .AAG20000’ with unique index ‘AK2AAG20000’. The duplicate key value is (4, 0, APV-0000000 154281, ,0).

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I have created a big project in Adobe Illustrator and it seems like I am not able to save the project. Before I start the project I have made an update to Adobe, I clicked the OK button and I have lost everything. Now I want to start again, but it doesn’t save anything. How can I make my Adobe work again? I have this error because of update ? Please help !

Thanks !

Adobe Illustrator

An unknown error has occurred

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I have installed Dartfish Software for the first time as a recommendation from a friend. While trying to upload some video files this error appeared. I don’t know very much about this software so can anyone please tell me how to fix it ? Why I have this and can it be prevented ?

Thanks !


Publishing error!

Unable to connect. Please verify your internet connection.

Error code: (0x80131509)

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When I added a mask to a Background layer in Photoshop this message appeared and I clicked the Continue button but nothing happened. Later I realized that I can’t make any changes to the Background layer. I have closed the Photoshop and reopened it again and the same message appeared again. Does anyone can help me to fix this error with the Background layer ? Why I have this error since I didn’t make any changes ?

Thank you !

Photoshop Elements Editor

The object layer Background is not currently available.

Continue Stop

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Hi there,

Recently I have installed on my laptop Adobe Photoshop CS3 and every time when I want to open it I have this error. I tried to install CS4-5-6 and I had this error with all versions. No version of Photoshop seems to work on my laptop. My configs are: 3GB, Intel 2Core 2.2GHZ, 512RAM Video card and 500GB HDD and it meets all the system requirements. Any idea how can I fix this ? Why Photoshop is not running on my PC ?

Thanks !

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended

Could not complete your request because something prevented...

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I want to post a bank transaction, but this error appears and resets all my commands. At my last post everything worked fine, I didn’t have any problem with the post. In the past, I had a few problems in Microsoft Dynamic GP which I fix them, but now I am stuck. Anyone knows how to solve this and why can’t upgrade the software ?

Thanks !

Microsoft Dynamics GP

The stored procedure aagCreate Tree returned the following

Results: DBMS: 0, Microsoft Dynamics GP: 22004.

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