Hello there,
I play all my games that I have installed with Steam, never had any problems until this evening. When I have tried to run a game this error message appeared. I changed the game same problem, I can’t run any game on my PC without getting this error. Does anyone else have this error ? How this error can be fixed ?
Thank you !
Engine Error
Internal driver error at Present.
You’re likely out of OS Paged Pool Memory! For more info, see
Recently I added a new email account to Outlook and after I did all the for the new account this window appear and I am stuck with it because I don’t know what happened. I clicked Deny button because I am afraid that something will happen to my current account if I click Allow. I need someone to tell me what this means? If is bad or not and please help me to set up a new email account in Outlook.
Kind Regards!
Outlook was redirected to the server to get new settings for your account
rm [email protected]...
Read moreHello Everyone,
I just purchased Nero 9 reloaded last week and I am running it on my laptop using windows 7, 64 bit version. I get a fatal error when trying to start the application by double clicking StartSmart. This is how I got it installed: I turned off User Access Control and uninstalled Nero 7. Then I ran the general clean tool to remove all the remnants of the previous installations. I even emptied my recycle bin and deleted temporary files. Now I reboot the machine and installed the Nero 9 update EXE. It initially installed with the trial...
Read moreHello Everyone,
I have been unsuccessfully attempting to install the AutoDesk Inventor for this last two days. Halfway through the installation process, I run up to error 1920 that says I do not have the necessary privileges to start some system services. I fail to understand what might be causing the trouble. I am the lone user on this computer and of course, I have full access permissions. I attempted disabling my antivirus during the download and tried installing. But this failed to give the desired result. Next I tried installing all the windows updates and disabled all UAC as...
Read moreHello there,
I am using Ubuntu 13.04 (x64) and my system have this error this morning. I have tested my Video card and the setting looks OK and works fine. Also, I have followed the troubleshoot and it doesn’t seem to work. Please anyone tell me what this error means ? How can I solve this and prevent it in the future ?
Thanks !
OpenGL GLX context is not using direct rendering, which may cause performance problems.
For more information visit
Today when launched Steamup for Counter Strike this warning message appeared. I don’t know what it means since it worked fine until today, is for the first time when I have this kind of error. I have made some searched on the internet about this error and nothing useful found. Can anyone help me to solve this error ? What happened with my game and why I have this kind of error ?
Thanks !
Steam - Dev warning
primarycache setting for app 16420 is set to non-existent cache 351
Read moreHello,
For a few days I have this error and I don’t know what it is. I can’t run many mods on steam because of this error message. I am running on Windows 7 (x32) I never had this kind of errors. Also, I have looked for some duplicated “steam.dll” files and nothing found. Can anyone help me to solve this ? Why I have this error right now and not when I have made the installation ?
Thank you !
CFileSystem_Steam::Init() failed: failed to find steam interface
I have a Dell laptop with 6GB RAM, CPU I5 3.2GHz and 500HDD. I got this error this morning on my Windows 7 and I don’t know what it means. I have 6GB RAM I don’t know why it says that I don’t have virtual memory. Does anyone know why I have this error and how can I fix it ?
Thank you !
Critical Error
Ran out of virtual memory. To prevent this condition, you must free up more space on your primary hard disk.
History: FMallocWindows::Malloc <- FMallocWindows::Realloc <-
00000000 -2122219152 FArray <- FArray::Realloc <- 808464430*8 <-
FUnrealfileSummary<< <-...
Read moreI downloaded GIMP 2.8.0 on my computer. The problem is, I can open JPG files without issues but I was unable to save it as .jpg. Nor in gif or png file format. I am encountering an error when trying to save on those format. Other file format works just fine. How can I save my images to all formats? Please help!
The given filename cannot be used for saving
You can use this dialog to save to the GIMP XCF format. Use File-->Export to export to other file formats.
Take me to the Export dialog
Read moreI am running Ubuntu and I downloaded the SMPlayer for playing audio and video formats. Also, I don't need to install any codec since it already has internal codec. And best of it, I can watch with subtitles. However, I cannot run it today with Arabic subtitle. I installed a file but it throws an error. The same error when I try to load a file on SMPlayer. It will crash and the error I will received is stating, "Mplayer Error: Mplayer has finished unexpectedly. Exit code: 127". I don't know why the issue is recurring but I hope...
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